Yorkville High School Class Of 2005
Ten Year Reunion
Saturday, July 18th, 2015
6pm to 11pm
Kendall County Fairgrounds
10826 Illinois Route 71
IL 60560
$25 per person
Includes Open Bar and Food
Purchase deadline: April 30th, 2015
Purchase tickets with the button at the top of the page. $1.75 fee will be added to the transaction.
Significant others are very welcome.
Significant others are very welcome.
Check out the Contact Us/Song Request & Alcohol survey on
the right of this post. If you have any questions or concerns, or just want to
volunteer your time on the day of, shoot us a message.
If you can’t make it, consider donation.
Information concerning hotels in the area and taxi's at the end of the night will be provided in the near future. **FYI** Cars are allowed to be left overnight at the Fairgrounds.
to be mailed in January! Keep an eye out!